Sunday, October 26, 2008

Haunted House Photos

I have always loved funky photography but never really felt I had the eye for it. If you fancy yourself a bit of a photographer you probably realize that you have to take dozens of photos to get that perfect shot. (Thank God for the introduction of digital photography!)

This past spring we were in Wisconsin visiting some of Jeff's relatives for a wedding. On the way into town I spotted a fun and crazy-looking house that looked a little like the home The Munsters lived in. I made a mental note to stop by this dilapidated old place on the way home to take some shots.

Driving into Wisconsin the weather was cold and dreary - perfect for the scary photos I had in mind. Driving out of Wisconsin it was sunny and lovely. I thought my haunted house photos would end up looking waaaay too cheerful. I decided to try anyway.

Here is what I ended up with. I'm very happy with these after all!
These are perfect for Halloween cards.
PS - did I mention that this house was inhabited by living people? Yup! There was proof everywhere in the yard: a van parked in the driveway, a soda can in a window and toys in the yard.
- Those poor kids.

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